Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Jazz Appreciation Month

April is Jazz Appreciation Month; March was Women's History Month. Here is a picture that combines the two occasions. They are the Harmonettes, an all-woman band that performed in Sandusky during the late 1920s. In the band were Florence and Thelma Brengartner, Dorothy Hartsook, LaVesta Muenchow, and Marcella and Hildegard Erney.
[Edited to add a missing name.]


  1. Nice to see something about our city's history. I love this piece- I knew one of the ladies.

  2. You forgot LaVesta Meunchow-she played piano

  3. "You forgot LaVesta Meunchow-she played piano."

    You're right! We skipped a name when transcribing. We've added her name to the entry. Thanks for pointing this out.

  4. Marcella and Hildagarde Erney were first cousins of my dad, Cyril Daniel, who played drums in another band in Sandusky. Hilda passed away two years ago at age 103. In the 1930's the Erney family had a family orchestra in Sandusky.
