Friday, August 28, 2009

Joe Jefferson Dramatic Club

The Joe Jefferson Club was a theatrical group formed in Sandusky in the late 19th century. It was probably named for a highly regarded actor of the time, who lived from 1829 to 1905. Between 1894 and 1895, members of the Joe Jefferson Club presented plays at the Nielson Opera House in Sandusky. The May 20, 1898 performance of "The Rivals" was given for the benefit of Company B., the local military unit which served in the Spanish American War.
Among the actors which performed in "The Rivals" were: local photographer W.A. Bishop, businessman A. J. Peters, local poet Charles Selkirk, and Miss Jessie Foster, the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oran Follett. On May 17, 1899 the proceeds from the Joe Jefferson Club's performance of "Between the Acts" went towards the purchase of books for the Free Library Association, now known as the Sandusky Library. The Sandusky Register of May 6, 1899 reported that the play was "made up of a combination of mistakes, errors and family troubles and the final dawn of peace. Each member of the cast is an artist and the interpretation they give their parts cannot be improved upon."

1 comment:

  1. I have a copy of a playbill of the Joe Jefferson Dramatic Club of "The New Dominion" presented April 30 1903. The cover has pictures of the players.

    The author of the play was my great grandfather Clay Clement
