Saturday, December 05, 2009

Mystery Photos: What's Wrong With This Picture?

A publication called "Royal Blue Line": A Descriptive Souvenir of the Columbus, Sandusky, and Hocking Railway (The Sandusky Division), was produced in 1894 to promote the attractions and major businesses in the cities along this rail line. There was a substantial chapter on Sandusky, which included images of many local scenes. Here is a page from that chapter:

Do you notice anything wrong with this page? Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments.

Here is an unrelated bit of trivia from the same publication, from the chapter on Marion, Ohio. Do you notice anything interesting about this?


  1. I'm just guessing, but that high school looks like it could be the court house that is described in the text.

    And at what age did Pres. Harding decide to lose the mustache?

  2. The builing that is identified as Campbell School looks a lot like
    some of the buildings at the Veterans Home.

  3. Spokesrider is correct on the high school. I am curious about the location of the railroad crossing on the title page of the history blog. Where was it?????

  4. The railroad crossing in the blog banner is at West Monroe Street, with the coal docks in the distance.

  5. In the first picture the building that is labeled Campbell School is Monroe School and the second building labeled High School is Campbell School. I know that because I went to both of those schools.
