Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Wendt's Economy Grocery

From about 1916 through 1919, Ervin H. Wendt ran a grocery at the corner of Market and Wayne Streets. The store sold groceries and also featured a delicatessen. Trucks bearing the Wendt’s name made deliveries to Sandusky customers.

In the 1916-1917 Sandusky City Directory, Ervin Wendt’s listing reads “The Economy Grocer.”

An ad in the June 1, 1917 issue of the Sandusky Star Journal stated that Wendt’s Economy Store could save customers enough money that they could that subscribe to the Liberty Loan, since Wendt’s store could save them the dollar per week fee.

The March 19, 1917 Sandusky Star Journal reported that Mr. Wendt owed his success to “perfect sanitation, courteous treatment, cash selling, and the handling of a distinct line of specialties…” In 1917, the Wendt grocery store employed four salesmen, a telephone operator and an adequate delivery force.

The Wendt store ceased operations in 1919, and Ervin Wendt moved to Cleveland, where he managed another grocery store. He was associated with Fisher Foods for thirty five years. Ervin and his wife retired in Pompano Beach, Florida.


  1. was the store located at the southwest corner of that intersection?????

  2. While we are on locations identification.....where was the railroad crossing that you show on the title page of the history blog???

  3. This link shows the current business at the southwest corner of Wayne & East Market Streets:

