Friday, January 29, 2010

Winter Sports in Sandusky -- Tom Root Photos

In the spirit of the season, here are a couple of views of winter sports in Sandusky Bay in January 1958. These photos also serve as an introduction to a recent acquisition by the library of the Tom Root Aerial Photographs, a collection of images taken by local photographer Thomas Root from 1949 to 2000. The collection is in the early stage of processing, but we can show you a sample here of scenes in Sandusky.

The first image shows ice boaters on Sandusky Bay, January 12, 1958.

The next image, from the same day as the one above, shows many ice skaters along the shore.

Mystery Photos Bonus: Can you identify exactly where these scenes are? One of these should be relatively easy; the second is more difficult -- you'll probably need a really good monitor on your computer to help you figure it out. Feel free to post your answer in comments. (The answer is now posted in the comments.)


  1. Second pix is Battery Park. the area just south of the sailing club was called the "sludge basin" Note the railroad drawbridge in the lower left hand corner. It was lifted and lowered manually. We kids like to help with that chore

  2. Definitely Battery Park for the second one. The top one could be where the coal/salt docks are, and where the new boat launch is -basically, west of downtown.

  3. You're both right about the Battery Park pictures, but I thought the other picture would be too hard to identify. It shows Sandusky Bay on the east side of Sandusky, with the industrial area of First Street in the background. Among the businesses visible are Armour Fertilizer, Barr Rubber, Lyman Boat, and Apex manufacturing.
