Saturday, May 29, 2010

World War Two Memorial Plaque

On May 29, 1947, a bronze plaque was dedicated at Sandusky High School to honor the former Sandusky High School students who lost their lives during World War Two. The unveiling of the plaque took place in the lower corridor of Sandusky High School (now Adams Junior High) and the program was presented in the auditorium.
An article in the May 31, 1947 issue of the Sandusky Register Star News reported that Jack Blough, vice president of the student council, presented the plaque to Sandusky High School. Principal Wayne C. Blough accepted the memorial tablet on behalf of the school. The Mixed Chorus and the A Cappella Choir sang vocal selections. June Sallee was the soloist during the vocal rendition of the Lord’s Prayer and Karl E. Whinnery gave the address. The program concluded with the combined choirs singing the Star Spangled Banner and Taps, played by Robert Bowers.

The names of the former Sandusky High School students who lost their lives in World War Two are: Norman Abele, Thomas Amato, Charles Askren, Harry Barber, Paul Baum, John Beatty, Nello Berardi, Robert Berardi, Leonard Bickley, Leroy Bossetti, Donald Brengartner, Davis Chaffee, Jimmie Davis, Don Dickman, Chester Dunkel, David Dunnigan, James Engel, William Fenker, David Fischer, Thomas Gall, Sam Gant, William Gast, Cletus Greek, Clyde Green, Edmund Grimani, William Gurtz, Guerdon Hansen, Charles Hecht, Robert Hedelund, Jack Himes, John Holzaepfel, Robert Howald, William Jarrett, Lee Keaney, Richard Knupke, Kenneth Kopp, George Kubach, Robert Lickfelt, Walter Luipold, Linford Mainzer, Charles Menefree, Lester Milkey, Kenneth Miller, Madio Muratori, Edward Meyer, Paul Patzke, Robert Pollack, Charles Poole, Robert Price, Don Reis, James Riggs, William Seeley, Leno Silvani, Robert Skillman, Tom Sletz, Ralph Sprau, Alvin Stiewe, Frank Thiede, James Van Dyne, Jack Wallace, Jack Ward, Ashley Waterfield, Jack Waterfield, Laverne Whitcomb, and Clifford Willeat.

These brave young men are still remembered today for their service to their country. Each May Sandusky remembers all those who died while in military service with services at the Ohio Veterans Home and at Oakland Cemetery.

1 comment:

  1. My uncle Walter “Jack” Dobyns age 19, lost at sea, at Guadalcanal. His name is on the monument downtown.
