Monday, August 09, 2010

Late Nineteenth Century Stereograph Images

In 1976, Irma Schoeneman donated eleven stereographic images to the Sandusky Library’s historical room, now the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center. Stereographs were popular in the latter part of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Stereographs are similar to a child’s ViewMaster toy. Two images placed side by side appear to be three dimensional, when viewed through a special viewer.

Below is an image of the Erie County Jail, now a part of the Sandusky Library, about 1885. The building to the left of the jail served as the medical office of Dr. J. D. Parker for many years. This image was created by N. H. Hammond for the American Views series.
Another stereograph by N. H. Hammond shows the north side of East Market Street about 1890. The Melville brothers operated a drugstore in the Cooke Block at the northeast corner of Columbus Avenue and Market Street. John H. Wagenet and Josh B. Davis had an insurance company in the upper floor of the Cooke Building. Jay Cooke was born near the site of the Cooke Block, though the building was named for an unrelated Cooke family, according to Article 51 of From the Widow's Walk, volume 2. The Bazar can be seen at 615 and 617 East Market Street. This business called itself “Sandusky’s Great Bargain Store.”
A.C. Platt was the photographer for this stereograph of an unidentified home in Sandusky, Ohio. Relaxing on the porch seems to be an enjoyable pastime that has remained throughout the years.
The date for the stereograph below, also taken by A. C. Platt, was March 3, 1887. A very large group of people, mostly children, can be seen on the porch. Notes on the back of the original stereograph card read, “Compliments of Sakie and Georgie.” While do not have enough clues to be absolutely sure, the names Sakie and Georgie may refer to the children of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Prout. Andrew W. Prout was a well known banker and real estate agent in Sandusky. His daughter Sakie Prout Merz was a longtime member of the Board of Trustees of the Sandusky Library.

1 comment:

  1. Same house in both shots, right? Is it possibly the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prout at that time period? Would city directories confirm this?
