On December 22, 1944, the employees of Plum Brook Ordnance Works and their families and friends, met at Sandusky’s Junior High School (later known as Jackson Junior High School) for the third annual old-fashioned Christmas observance. All those in attendance received a program which included the words to several traditional Christmas carols.
Brief messages by local ministers, Rev. Theo J.C. Stellhorn, Sr. and Rev. C. J. Dobmeyer, offered reflections on peace while America was at war.
Father Dobmeyer was a beloved Asistant Pastor of St. Mary's Church for many years. He was well respected by the parishioners and was well known by Sandusky residents of other faiths. He was also an avid fisherman, and I recall, from my days of serving weekday Mass as an acolyte during my boyhood years, that after a Mass, Father Dobmeyer would quickly be out of the church adn rectory, fishing gear in hand, on his way to the bay or one of the islands for a day of fishing.