Sunday, December 09, 2012

Ludwig Altstaetter’s German Music Books

In the Archives Research Center at the Sandusky Library are two books of handwritten music. The books were prepared by Frederick Altstaetter for his son Ludwig Altstaetter. One book, entitled Practische Klanierschule, includes scales and other musical segments intended for a student who is practicing piano skills.

The other book contains several musical pieces. All the musical notes, clefs, and tempos were meticulously handwritten. Below is a portion of the piece entitled Air de Ballet de Guillaume Tell de Rossini (using the old style of the first 's'). It appears to be a ballet based on the opera William Tell.

Louis Altstaetter, the Americanized name of Ludwig Altstaetter, was born in Germany on June 21, 1832. He married Matilda Steuk. Louis and his brother William Altstaetter are listed in the 1880 Sandusky City Directory as being the proprietors of a grocery store at 836 Market Street in Sandusky. Louis Altstaetter died on March 1, 1900, and he was buried at Oakland Cemetery. Mr. Altstaetter’s obituary, which appeared in the March 2, 1900 Sandusky Register, stated that he had lived in Sandusky for a number of years, during which time “he won the respect and esteem of all.” He was survived by a son and five daughters. Later, his son Edward Altstaetter would become the Mayor of Sandusky.

The name of Louis Altstaetter’s father, Frederick Altstaetter, would be familiar in Sandusky, Ohio for many years. Louis Altstaetter’s grandson was named Frederick Altstaetter, and Louis had a great granddaughter named Frederica Altstaetter.

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