Tuesday, January 01, 2013

You Want a Pretzel, Don't You?

Happy New Year.

Here is a link to our article on the history of the New Year's Pretzel:


And you can find an audio podcast about the New Year Pretzel (along with podcasts on several other subjects) here:



  1. I liked the link to your earlier article about the New Year's pretzels. We always bought ours from Michel's Bakery, partly because thier bakery was located in the house my dad (Cyril Daniel) grew up in, on Central ave. After his dad (Wilhelm Daniel) died in the early 1920's, the famaily sold tothe house to the Michels.
    On another matter, I wonder if you know the approx. year that the wintertime waterfront photo,that is the current "masthead" for your blog, was taken. The harvesting of ice from Sandusky Bay is shown in that photo, and my dad worked in that harvesting for the ice house in his early years (ca 1910-1920).

  2. As always thank you for your always interesting comments.
    The picture is actually from rather late in the ice harvesting era -- it is dated February 2, 1938, possibly by the photographer himself. The Lay Brothers Fishery was one of the last businesses to harvest ice from the bay; that is their crew and icehouse in the scene.
