Monday, November 14, 2016

Biemiller’s Cove

Now a part of Cedar Point and the Causeway, Biemiller’s Cove used to be a popular fishing spot for area residents. Charles E. Frohman wrote in Sandusky's Yesterdays that small cottages were built along the cove, and were accessible by sailboat or rowboat in the late 1800s. In 1882 the steamer R.B. Hayes transported people from Biemiller’s Cove to Cedar Point. Pictured below are two rowboats in the cove.

Charles Schuck took this photograph of men net fishing at Biemiller’s Cove in the early twentieth century.


To read more about Biemiller’s Cove, see Sandusky's Yesterdays by Charles E. Frohman, or E.L. Moseley’s article on Sandusky Bay and Cedar Point. Inquire at the Reference Services Desk at the Sandusky Library to see these items.


  1. WOW!!! That photo of a man and a woman in a row boat in Biemiller's Cove has GOT TO BE MY MOTHER AND FATHER!!!!!! My brother (John) and I have photos of them taken in an identical location, in an identical boat, and I often wondered who would have taken a photo of them in such a location. The photo of them was taken when they were single (they married in 1924). I never recall seeing the photo until afer they had passed away (1960's). Do you have any info on who the photographer was????

  2. I am sorry to say that we don't have any information about the photograph other than its location.
