Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Rudy Vallee Turned Down an Opportunity to Appear in Sandusky in January 1933

In December of 1932, J. Leroy Weier of the Lake Shore Tire Company, asked musical star Rudy Vallee to consider appearing at the opening of a new building in Sandusky. A reasonable search did not turn up exactly which building or business was opening in Sandusky in the winter of 1932-1933, but Mr. Weier had several local business interests at that time, including the Lake Shore Tire Company and the Weier Brothers salvage yard. It seems that the famous entertainer was going to be in Cleveland, Ohio for the Automobile Show in January of 1933. Mr. Weier had hoped that Rudy Vallee could appear in Sandusky, during the same week as the Auto Show. It turns out that Mr. Vallee had to return promptly to New York City for the radio broadcast sponsored by the Fleischman Yeast Company.  Though Mr. Vallee seemed optimistic that he may be able to appear in Sandusky at a later time, it does not seem that he ever made it here.

During the 1920s and 1930s, radios were sold at the Lake Shore Tire Company. In the historical business files of the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center is an undated promotional item that was given away by the Lake Shore Tire Company. Inside the small notebook were pages on which a person could jot down the call letters, city, and state of radio programs, and make notes about those programs.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the Lake Shore Tire Company stocked a variety of radio accessories, including tubes, condensers, batteries, condensers, speakers and sockets.


  1. Where was that building located? It looks like the Mahala Block building on East Washington Row.

  2. The Lake Shore Tire Company was at 1020 Hancock Street. You can see what the building looks like today on Google Street View:,-82.7033321,3a,75y,69.13h,85.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9AJTYs-ww2LWs2sugWn9yQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
