Saturday, September 16, 2017

When the Lake Shore Coach Lines Ran from Sandusky to Cleveland

From 1938 until well into the 1940s, the Lake Shore Coach Lines transported passengers by bus from Sandusky to Cleveland, as well as from Sandusky to Toledo. The Lake Shore Coach Lines was created after the Lake Shore Electric Railway lines ceased operations. Several of these buses were manufactured by the Yellow Coach Manufacturing Company. The buses that served Sandusky were Model 742s.  Pictured below is bus number 157.

Here is a side view of bus number 153.

Time tables which appeared in the December 2, 1942 issue of the Sandusky Register Star News indicated that buses traveled daily from Sandusky to Cleveland at 7:30 and 10:05 a.m., and 12:05, 2:05, 3:35, 6:05, 8:35 and 9:55 p.m. daily. Another 6:20 a.m. route ran from Sandusky to Cleveland every day except Sundays and holidays. The Lake Shore Coach Lines also ran several trips to and from Toledo every day. Having such frequent bus stops in Sandusky would have enabled local residents to work or shop in Cleveland or Toledo quite easily. Many Christmas shoppers enjoyed the convenience of taking the bus to the big city, without having to drive their own vehicle. 

A procession of buses at the Northwest Territory Celebration parade, April 30, 1938

In September of 1943, the Sandusky routes of the Lake Shore Coach Lines were taken over by the Sandusky Rapid Transit. The Lake Shore Coach Company was eventually sold to Greyhound. Today most people drive their own vehicles to and from Toledo and Cleveland, but it is fun to see these images from a time gone by in our community.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photos. A good deal more information on the Lake Shore Coach Company can be found here:
