Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Mystery Photo: Patriotic Youngsters in Sandusky

While we do not know the date or exact location of this photograph, notes on the back of the original picture indicate that it was taken by the Pascoe Galleries in Sandusky. Several youngsters are pictured in front of a large flag in front of a stone building, in the late 1800s or early 1900s. Many children are holding flags, suggesting that they may have recently been studying the history of the United States. This item is housed in the James Duff Archival Collection at the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center.


  1. The stone work in the building is consistnet with the limestone buildings that housed the Sandusky public elementary schools in that era (Sycamore Line, Osborn Street, Camp Street, etc.). If a person uses their imagination, it looks like four of the children in the front (seated) row are holding computer tablets or laptops!

  2. What era is this from? It's hard to tell the number of stars on the flag, and when did the children use slates in school locally?

  3. It looks like a 45-star flag; if so, the picture is probably from between 1896 and 1908 (probably closer to the earlier end of that range). Unfortunately we don't have any confirmed information about this picture.
