Sunday, July 07, 2019

Sanduskians Visited Isle St. George in 1925

Cleveland photographer Ray Williams took this picture in 1925 at Isle St. George on North Bass Island. Notes on the original item indicate that the group is from Sandusky. The picture was bequeathed to the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center from the Alta Dildine estate. None of the individuals in the picture have been identified. The group includes seventeen men, two women, and a child. Seated on the left are older gentlemen, who probably knew all too well the meaning of hard work.

Seated at  the right side of the picture are younger men, full of vim and vigor.

Many vintage automobiles can be seen in the photograph, but it is not known whether the autos belonged to residents of Isle St. George, or if they were ferried over from the mainland. If anyone can identify the people in this picture, please leave a message in the Comments section of this blog post. In the 1920s, the Sandusky Register featured a short column of news from Isle St. George. These columns were usually about visitors to and from the island.

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