Friday, August 30, 2019

Fourth Grade Class at Monroe School in 1897

Mrs. Norman Scherer donated this classroom picture of the fourth grade class of Monroe School in 1897. Though not pictured, Miss Beilstein was the teacher for this class. Several of the students have been identified.

Originally known as the Ninth Ward School, Monroe School was built in 1894.

1 comment:

  1. What a thrill to run across this photo with my grandmother, Cora Marquart, at the front row,left. She is number one on the typewritten roster.
    On the ocassion of Grandma's eightieth birthday she made a trip to Panama to visit Betsy and myself. We were living in the old Canal Zone at the time. For the trip, she needed a copy of her birth certificate for entry into the Zone. In obtaining her birth record at the courthouse, she discovered that her name was registered as Dora. "My dad did that", Grandma explained. Apparently her dad wanted to name Grandma after her mother Dora, but was overridden by the rest of the family in favor of the name Cora. He had the last laugh though. He registered Grandma as Dora and never told a soul. Only eighty years later did my grandmother discover her proper name was registered Dora at the courthouse.
    By looking up the family name, Marquart, you can also find a photo of Grandma's brother, my uncle Harry, as a boy in the family grocery store at the corner of Scott and Warren Sts.
    I have lived in many places and traveled the world, but boy do I ever enjoy coming home to this website. Thanx for all you do, JIM TIGHT
