Monday, September 02, 2019

Sandusky High School Students Circa 1939

Pictured above are Sandusky High School students about 1939. Social Studies teacher John R. Kahler can be seen in the center of the group. Notes on the back of the original photograph have identified most of the people in the picture.

Many of these students were graduates in June of 1940. Student Jay Leibach would go on to become the chief engineer at WLEC Radio. His obituary in 1986 stated that Jay Leibach was responsible for getting WLEC on the air on December 7, 1947. Mr. Kahler eventually left the education field, and he had another long career with Sandusky Foundry and Machine (now MetalTek); he also served as Sandusky’s ex-officio Mayor in 1948-1949.

1 comment:

  1. The background of this photo; also the one posted on 1/12/19, shows a healthy beginning of the ivy that eventually covered the entire front of our high school. Pages two and three of my senior copy of the Fram (1953) shows a beautiful photo of the building with the caption, "Our Halls of Ivy".
    Some years later, returning for a class reunion, I noticed the ivy gone. Does anyone remember when that beautiful foliage was pulled down? Perhaps about the time of transition from high school to junior high?
    Once again I must tell you how much I enjoy this blog.
