Though the entire issue is not found, the cover of
Die Gartenlaube (
The Arbor, in English) is located in the
Stubig Family Collection of the Archives Research Center of the
Sandusky Library. The issue is dated January 1, 1870, and features a cartoon by X. A. W.
Die Gartenlaube was the most widely read magazine in Germany in the late 1800’s. It was first published in Leipzig in 1853, and later moved to Berlin, continuing publication until 1944. The weekly magazine featured many illustrations, serialized novels, and travel narratives.
The New York Times carried an article about Kurt Aram’s visit to the United States. The editors of
Die Gartenlaube pondered how German immigrants could manage to live in the United States of America without knowing the language and having very little money. They decided to fund a project in which Kurt
Aram, a German writer, would go to America with only twenty five dollars, and then report to the editors about his experiences in the new land. Mr.
Aram told how he found food and lodging, obtained employment, and even managed to find a German restaurant that served authentic German beer and
sauerbraten. For a book which gives a thorough look at
Die Gartenlaube from 1853 – 1900, read Kirsten
Popularizing the Nation, available for loan through

Stubig was born in Nassau, Germany in 1835, and came to the U.S. in 1861, settling in
Sandusky. (He is probably the man standing at the back of the group of men in this photo; the photo was taken in
Nauheim, Germany, at a reunion of schoolmates in 1900.) He had a shoe business which was later carried on by his son William. Another son, Carl
Stubig, had a local newspaper in
Sandusky from 1914 through 1918, and was active in local politics. Christian
Stubig served as a guard at Johnson’s Island during the Civil War and later re-enlisted in the 5
th Regiment, U.S. Veteran Volunteer Infantry. An obituary honoring Christian
Stubig in the
Sandusky Register, July 20, 1904 stated that “
Sandusky loses a prominent citizen.” Christian
Stubig became fully involved in every aspect of American life, but he also remained in touch with his family members who remained in Germany. The
Stubig Family Collection contains several letters to the
Stubig family, as well as financial documents, postcards, and business and legal papers.
Here is a photograph of the
Stubig Shoe Store located at 754 Water Street around 1904.