The Ohio General Assembly authorized the
creation of the
Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Sandusky, Ohio in 1886. The home was created to provide
for Ohio's honorably discharged veterans of the American Civil War. The first
veterans to make their home at the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home arrived in
November of 1888. An early resident of the Home was Alvin Smith, a former slave
who had served in Company H of the 27
th Regiment of the
United States Colored Troops. In the mid 1880’s, Mr. Smith was passing
through Sandusky looking for work. He obtained employment, helping to build the
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, and then became a resident there on December 5,
1888. Now known as the
Ohio Veterans Home, this facility provides food and lodging for United States Veterans as
well as nursing home care. Thousands of U.S. Veterans have made their home
here. A cemetery on the grounds of the Ohio Veterans Home serves as a final
resting place for many United States Veterans who served their county in the
The fiftieth
anniversary of the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home was celebrated on August 6
and 7, 1938. A two-day encampment of Civil War Veterans also took place this
weekend. The August 6, 1938 issue of the Sandusky
Register reported that four Civil War Veterans who resided in Erie County
were expected to attend the festivities. They were: William Woodward, Henry
Dwight, Charles N. Cooper, and Alvin Smith, who had been born into slavery.
The weekend began
with a lake cruise to Johnson’s Island and Put in Bay. A parade, concert, and
fish fry began at 6 p.m. on Saturday. More musical entertainment, group
singing, and speeches by Civil War veterans continued throughout the evening.
The Camp Fire rally was led by George Pfeiffer of Wooster. On Sunday, there were church services, a
concert by the Mansfield Sons of Unions Veterans, and a picnic luncheon on the
lawn of the Home. A large parade passed in review before the Civil War veterans
at 1:30 p.m.
The Betsy Ross
Quartet sang at 2 p.m.
Speakers included
Colonel John C. Volka, Commandant of the Ohio Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home;
Comrade R.C. Miller, President of the Ohio Civil War Veterans Reunion
Association; Frederick Pfiester, commander of the Ohio Department of the
G.A.R.; Grace Ford, President of the Department of Ohio Woman’s Relief Corps.
Greetings were extended from numerous patriotic organizations. Alvin Smith, who
assisted in the early building of the Home, was introduced, as was George J.
Doerzbach, who assisted in laying the first stone in the building of the Home,
were both introduced. Addresses were given by Comrade Sol Zarbaugh, from the
Ohio Department of the G.A.R.; Ohio Representative Gus Kelly; Ohio Senator A.D.
Baumhart; Mrs. Margaret M. Allman from the Department of Public Welfare; Emil
Marx, Adjutant General of Ohio; Ohio Supreme Court Judge Edward S. Matthias;
and Ohio Governor Martin L. Davey. Rev. John A. Kaley gave the benediction.
Visit the
Sandusky Library Archives to view the Spies’ Gallery of Photo-Engravings, Soldiers’
and Sailors’ Home, published by August
Spies in 1896. Another resource available at the Sandusky Library is Ohio Veterans Home Death Records, 1889-1893.